
Service Description

Get ready to harvest success with our Business-Grade NBN! Experience lightning-fast speeds, rock-solid reliability, and round-the-clock support that’s as crisp as a freshly picked pear. Your business will flourish in the digital orchard!


It's not just about the raw speeds but also the extra features that come with it.

Hold the phone - NBN isn't a one-size-fits-all kinda thing like the big boys will have you believe. Comparing NBN from different providers is like weighing apples against... well, sublime Pear-fection! When it comes to a business NBN™ service, there are some non-negotiables: speedy support with SLAs that don’t dilly-dally, roomy bandwidth that’s got extra CCV wiggle space, the uncanny ability to make data congestion vanish, a never-ending flow of data, and Fort Knox-level security.

As a bustling small business, you’ve got data appetites the size of a T-Rex – so limitations? No thank you! And let’s not forget about the static IP address – it’s like your golden ticket to Cloud City, where collaboration and security features are the name of the game.


Access fast, robust and reliable high-data internet with nbn™

We’re the one-stop-shop, the grand buffet of connectivity - dishing out everything from NBN to symmetric services, with a side of fibre and a sprinkle of ethernet. Our jam? Making sure businesses like yours are decked out with the crème de la crème of Internet services, exactly when you need them. VOIP, That's all the rage these days! And nothing spoils the party like a wonky connection. You need reliability, stability, and zippiness that would make a cheetah jealous.

Explore our NBN Plans

With Pear’s NBN plans, you're not just signing up for internet – you're hopping aboard the express train to Connectivity Wonderland. Want lightning-fast speeds? We’ve got it. Hankering for unshakable reliability? It’s in the bag. Dreaming of unlimited data to stream, surf, and snap without a care in the world? We’ve got heaps! And here’s the cherry on top: our stellar customer support team is like your personal internet concierge, ready to pamper you with solutions and high-fives. Explore with Pear, and turn your everyday internet into an adventure of limitless possibilities.



  • Unlimited Data
  • 25/10 Mbps
  • Month to Month


Per month



  • Unlimited Data
  • 50/20 Mbps
  • Month to Month


Per month



  • Unlimited Data
  • 100/40 Mbps
  • Month to Month


Per month



  • Unlimited Data
  • 250/25 Mbps
  • Month to Month


Per month



  • Unlimited Data
  • 1000/50 Mbps
  • Month to Month


Per month



  • Unlimited Data
  • 250/100 Mbps
  • Month to Month


Per month



  • Unlimited Data
  • 500/200 Mbps
  • Month to Month


Per month



  • Unlimited Data
  • 1000/400 Mbps
  • Month to Month


Per month

Additional notes:

All Business Plans include: Static IP, Priority Support with shorter SLA, Enhanced Security, Loss Prevention and Validation, Additional CCV allocation, Less Data congestion.

  • Additional $25 per month to include 4G backup. Maximum 10GB data limit per month applies. Premium router required. Telstra or Optus networks available.
  • BYO Connection - $0 connection fee applies with BYO modem plans.
  • Premium Connection - includes business grade router with 4G backup capability (router unlocked to use with any provider).
    $169 + $17.99 postage. (Minimum cost is $186.99 plus 1 month subscription).

Let's Talk!

Let us help you take the next step forward with PEAR.

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